I am Angela and I love to sew. I started sewing as a child and by the time I was a teenager I was wearing the very latest fashions to go out in. All me-made. I am passionate about reducing the amount of textiles sent to landfill, and encourage you to repurpose fabrics and clothes I started this blog in order to have a way in which to pass on my gained knowledge, and my professional knowledge to you, Sewing is empowering, you can save money by making items, make money by selling then, You can pass your knowledge on to others. What is there not to love? Interestingly I am a direct descendant of the Flemish weavers who came over to England in the 1300's. I find that fascinating especially as most of my family from as far back as I can trace are somehow involved in the manufacturing of fabric . . I have a degree in tailoring with a special interest in WW2 fashion.

Saturday 11 December 2021

Mimi G Designer Dress. Simplicity S9370

 This dress is amazing. And I do mean AMAZING . It is a sophisticated dress perfect for parties and dances

It is a brand new  Simplicity Pattern details below

This incredible dress is a designer dress by Mimi G for simplicity and is available on this link. Simplicity 9370

Before you read the rest of this post do watch this short video clip and see for yourself how this fabric moves

You will be wondering what the fabric is. It is a foil coated Jersey and comes in quite a few colours. I chose Gold. It is inexpensive too, 
Take a look on this link Gold Stretch Jersey

My first task was to decide which machine foot to use and to look at different stitches
I tried my walking foot. But in the end decided on a simple Teflon foot

Then I tried various stitches and eventually decided on a very narrow zig zag. It is a good idea to write these machine settings down then you have them to refer to next time

The fabric is sheer and so I cut two backs and fronts , stitched them together within the seam allowance and made them up as one.

The pattern shows a high neckline and this is how I first made it.
When I was fitting it I thought that a lower neckline would work better for me in this particular fabric.
When I make any garment I almost always alter the design in some way, this is a great thing to do you are showing your personality and confidence in feeling able to adapt a pattern 

I made another alteration too by gathering the long sleeves along the top seam. To do this a piece of elastic was stitched along the seam allowance from wrist to avove the elbow, stretching the elastic as I sewed 

The midriff cut out is a lovely added feature , the tie belt sits in the centre of it reducing the amount of flesh on show.

This is the back view 

Shown seated it works very well as the eye is drawn to the neckline

The fabric is very fluid and shiny and is so gorgeous I love the way the light catches it.

I would say that you would need some experience to be able to make this design as there are quite a few challenges especially as the fabric is so slippery. I think that it would look great as a long full skirt 

I do hope that you love my new dress just as much as I do . It feels very elegant and will certainly make you stand out in the crowd , in a good way.

Also available in these stunning colours Other colours

Thank you Minerva.com for gifting me this fabric


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